Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tasers, Police Steroids and is Ron Paul Invisible?
Police in Peel Region, just west of Toronto, have been accused of widespread departmental steroid abuse in this story. Interesting but not particularily surprising.
The Conservative Harper government, is under increasing pressure to bend a little in light of the unpopularity of Canada's involvement in Afghanistan. A panel, headed by John Manley, recommended Canada end the mission unless NATO provided 1,000 extra soldiers and Ottawa obtained helicopters and aerial reconnaissance vehicles. This can only mean that what they really want to do is increase our presence by sending more troops and more Canadian tax payer dollars to fund America's global benevolent hegemony.
The mainstream media continues its surreal performance of covering Ron Paul, as this video shows, he isn't even considered a candidate.
Ron Paul is invisible. You can only see him if you believe in the Constitution and individual liberties and freedoms.
A nice little tidbit here, showing ties between the 911 Commission chairmen, neo-con Zionist eel Philip Zelikow and the Bush administrations own Wormtongue, Karl Rove.
Suspicious deaths follow the Billary Clintons like a black cloud. The accounting of these mysterious deaths began in 1994 when in a letter to congressional leaders, former Rep. William Dannemeyer listed 24 people with some connection to Clinton who had died "under other than natural circumstances" and called for hearings on the matter.
John McCain hates "gooks". Yet he is still a serious contender to be the most powerful puppet in the world come November. Does not compute. I guess you get a free pass when your crazy like a fox.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
John McInsane
This should frighten everyone in the world, not just those of us who follow the US election and politics. This insane traitor is not far away from having his finger on the button. He is George W. Bush on steroids. Like Bush, McInsane got everything handed to him on a silver platter, despite scholastic and professional failure at every turn.
Here, McCain lies about his lack of support in election contributions from members of the military, when asked why Ron Paul gets more money from the military.
McInsane gives his take on the state of affairs in Iraq. Click on this link and see how out of touch with reality John McCain clearly is.
Some "straightalk" here from John McCain, as this video shows, McCain wouldn't know the truth if it hit him over the head.
John McCain give us his take on the Beach Boys and giggles as he talks about bombing Iran.
Its difficult to say who is more crazy here, the nutjob who asked him the question or McInsane himself.
And finally, in case you aren't concerned yet, McCain would like to occupy Iraq for 100 years.
"As long as Americans aren't being injured, harmed , wounded or killed".
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
At the Edge of an Economic Abyss
This week has been filled with surprises. It began with bad news for international stock markets. It got rolling with unprecedented news from the Federal Reserve System. It got wild with nutty news from a bureaucrat in New York. Then it settled down to wild swings on the American stock market.
All in all, this week was a sign that the economy is headed toward the falls. Keep close watch on the canoe 100 yards ahead of you. If, without warning, it disappears, start paddling for the shore. Either shore. Fast.
The rest of this very insightful article here..........
Another interesting article here, regarding the French derivatives trader who lost 7 billion dollars.
The collapse of American style capitalism as evidenced by Citibank, here.
More evidence, this time from the housing market, that we teeter at the edge of depression.
The case for a government cut in spending, and a little about the Federal Reserve system here.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Intervention in Pakistan, Wolfowitz and Falling Spy Satellites
The CIA is the world's largest terrorist organization.
More ethnic/tribal violence in Kenya.
Our future will be a chipped and embedded future, as this article from the Washington Post illustrates. They do present both sides of the debate, but seem to frame those suspicious of chipping as out in left field.
The newly installed Labour government in Australia formally announces an end to their participation in the illegal Iraq war.
More Palestinians stream into Egypt as Israel continues its ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip.
War criminal and mass murderer Paul Wolfowitz, instead of finding himself hanging from the end of a noose in The Hague, finds himself back in the US government in an influential arms control role.
US Army Sergeant Donald Buswell finds out patriotism is about not asking questions and keeping your mouth shut. He realizes the official government conspiracy theory of the events of 911 is a crock of bullshit, and finds himself demoted and marginalized. Story here.
Uncle Barack Obama wins the South Carolina primary, routing Shillary. The Democratic Party remains firmly in the hands of Zionists and their sympathizers, no matter who wins.
Mike Huckabee, what colour is the sky in your world? Are their unicorns and magical palaces made of gumdrops? Inquiring minds want to know.
And finally, from the Department of Thats Kinda Scary, Isn't It, an anonymous official announces an American spy satellite will fall out of orbit in the next few months, and that it contains "hazardous material", and they don't know where its going to fall. But don't worry, this sort of thing happens all the time.....
Friday, January 25, 2008
Support the War Resisters in Canada
Since the beginning of the Iraq war, many soldiers who refuse to fight have crossed the border into Canada seeking refuge. Some of them make up our Toronto chapter, and all of them live with the knowledge that they may soon be deported back to the US to face trials, incarcerations, or worse, for standing up for what is right. These men and women deserve our respect and our support, and there are several ways you can help their cause today and in the coming months.
Ottawa goes full Neo-Con, Paul 2nd in LA, Friday News
For shame.
This is the very same Neo-Con conservative government who will skip a UN meeting on racism because it considers legitimate criticism of Israel to be "anti-semitism".
Welcome to topsy-turvy world.
Meanwhile, the Americans start beating the war drums regarding Pakistan.
Russia reminds the UN that sanctions on Iran for wishing to be energy independent need not be harsh.
Israel continues its slaughter of innocents in Gaza.
Dennis Kucinich, a voice for peace, drops his Presidential bid. The Democrat Party proves they are no different from the Republican Party-they are all warmongers whose interests lay with the military industrial complex, not the American people.
Do you want fries with that Whopper? Jon Ryter examines the lies of the 2008 Presidential candidates.
And finally, Ron Paul, once again marginalized at the South Carolina debate, places second in the Louisiana caucuses, nary a peep from the media, of course.
Video here and here.
Ron Paul's message of freedom and liberty is frightening to the powers that be.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The 935 Lies That Started the War on Iraq
Remember the millions of people marching in the streets in 2003? Remember the military experts and intelligence agents that ALWAYS stated that the attack on Iraq was based on lies and deception? Turns out we were right, and they were liars.
Lying to the people in a position of public trust about such matters is high treason.
The Center for Public Integrity Study presents 935 false statements painstakingly presented here......
Ded Thompson Out; Huckabee Broke, Paul Keeps on Chugging
Mike Huckabee, bass player, fake Christian and smooth talker extradonaire......hits a money snag.
Meanwhile, Congressman Dr. Ron Paul, the darkhorse kook who talks about such mundane things as the Constitution and civil liberties, and who cannot possibly win, because the media tells us so, raises another 1.8 million dollars in one day (thats the third highest ever), is poised to kick ass in the Louisiana caucus, and is more or less firing on all cylinders.
Ron Paul 2008!
Disaster Averted! Or Has it Just Begun?
But is everything really as hunky dory as we are being led to believe by the headlines trumpeting major a major rebound.......not so fast.
Bernanke Presses the Panic Button....
In private, Bernanke tells horror stories....
Day of reckoning in US glass house.....
Stunning jump in foreclosures.......
Its no longer a matter of if we will have a recession, but when. We are not out of the woods yet, not as long as the Central Bankers can control the flow of money with nothing tangible to back it up. The market now exists as a place where money is moved around from place to place, in the hopes that this frenzy of movement will somehow "create" more wealth.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Global Meltdown Continues
China's Hang Seng market is down 8% and the London Stock Exchange Index has fallen 4.5%.
Tuesdays futures on the US market are plunging.
Could be a very interesting and pivotal day on Wall Street and around the world.
Will the house of cards finally tumble down?
India's stock exchange shut down two minutes into the trading day. Korea has halted trading as well.
Things are not looking good. Brace yourselves.
Black Monday? Global Markets Crash
The U.K. benchmark FTSE-100 dropped 3.9 percent to 5,673.1; France's CAC-40 Index plunged 4.5 percent to 4,861.2, while Germany's slumped 5.35 percent to 6,922.7.
In Asia, India's benchmark stock index tumbled 7.4 percent, while Hong Kong's blue-chip Hang Seng index plummeted 5.5 percent to 23,818.86, its biggest percentage drop since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. More here.
As of about 3pm, the TSX has lost 70 billion dollars, about 4 percent of its index. This wipes out all the gains from 2007.
Predictions continue about sharp losses tomorrow when the American exchanges open.
Could this be the beginning of the predicted massive crash, synchronized global crash, causing worldwide upheaval?
As of about 8pm EST, the Nikkei index of Japan is down 600 points and the Australian ASX has shed 5% of its holdings.
Monday Morning Mish-Mash (#3)
Canada gets a tongue lashing from our Israeli and American torturer friends and Zionist Bob Rae agrees wholeheartedly here.
Peter Worthington, Neo-Con extraordinaire, admonishes Stephane Dion for not wanting to send more Canadians to die in Afghanistan.
Ron Paul places second in Nevada, but some in the mainstream media want to distort reality.
Its MLK Day and its time for another Ron Paul moneybomb. Send in those donations.
Israel continues the mass starvation of Gaza while the UN sits on its hands.
HUGE DISPARITIES FOUND IN NEW HAMPSHIRE RECOUNT. And of course the media is complicitly silent, once again.
An excellent article by Walter Williams regarding California's plant to regulate its citizens thermostats. Its the fast track towards tyranny, and there is no end in sight.
Christopher Bollyn digs deeper into 911, here with a story about Jerome Hauer, terrorism "expert" extraordinaire.
Rogue State Israel Continues its War Crimes in Gaza
Israel, propped up by their puppet regime in Washington, continues the starvation and strangulation of the Gaza Strip while the UN once again feebly protests in vain.
Israel practices collective punishment, cutting off fuel supplies and leaving the Palestinians in the dark. This catastrophe, this inhuman war crime, will affect hospitals, medical clinics, water wells, houses, factories, all aspects of life. Israel began an escalated denial of food and other necessary supplies to Gaza after Israel declared the civilian population of Gaza to be a "hostile entity.
Meanwhile, of course, the Western media, ignores the death, ignores the destruction and the wrath foisted upon the Palestinian people by the apartheid Israeli government. Could it be any more clear at this point that the media is complicit in the war crimes of Israel, and that the Western media has become nothing more than a tool of Israeli and Zionist interests? Apparently Britney Spears meltdowns and America's Top Model are much more important than the ongoing war crimes and collective Nazi-like punishment of the Palestinian people.
So what can we do?
First, as a small gesture, add your name to the petition to stop the siege of Gaza.
If you are a Canadian, you can fax, email or write your MP and DEMAND that the Canadian government tell Israel to cease its war crimes.
If you are an American, a Brit, an Australian, or wherever you live, do the same. Take 15 minutes to get in touch with your federal representative and demand that they take action and force Israel to end the terror they are perpetrating on the Palestinian people.
We can also boycott businesses and corporations who do business with Israel until Israel stops its war crimes and becomes a civilized nation.
We can encourage brave Israelis and Jews who speak out about the terror tactics of their government being carried out in the name of their people. Thank you to every single Israeli and every single Jewish person who bravely stands against this horror.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
911 Fact of the Day (#3)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Don't Tase Me, Big Bro
Ask the family of Mark Backlund, now deceased for being "uncooperative" (whatever that means) and getting a little taste of sparky. Ask the mother of Robert Dziekanski, who had to bury her son because the Vancouver RCMP got a little trigger happy. It appears now that the police, who no doubt have a difficult job, are now substituting public safety for their own safety and for, well, convenience sake. Its easier to just jolt someone who is mouthy, crazy or just a pain in the ass than actually take some effort to do their jobs, for some police, or so it seems. The mindset of the person using the taser, as this excellent article by Christopher Manion at Lew illustrates, makes it difficult to continue to justify the use of tasers.
It doesn't look like the taser is the only tool "to protect" us that we have to fear.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon is now researching the use of chemical weapons and stress contagions to keep us "free". And subdued.
Is the water getting hotter, little froggy? There is still time to jump out of the pot, if we speak out now.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Why I am Quitting
read more
It appears this blog will be switching over to Any other suggestions are more than welcome.
Tony B. Liar, American Torture and 1984
Seven more Canadians injured defending the American Empire here.
Canada puts the United States on a list of nations who torture. It also listed countries and places with greater risks of torture. The list includes Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, China and Israel.
You lay down with dogs you will come up with fleas.
An excellent video detailing life in Palestine under Israeli occupation. The world cringes at the actions of the Israeli government.
On the subject of Palestine, There are many of us who believe the actual terrorists are dressed in IDF uniforms, and the situation in the Gaza Strip and the rest of the Occupied Territories certainly shows us that all Palestinian adults are targets of the Israeli military, no matter how the mainstream media attempts to sugarcoat it. There is no doubt that the violence is being perpetrated on both sides, but every attempt is made to have it appear one-sided. For every wrong headed and misguided Palestinian who desperately blows himself up in a pizza parlor, killing innocents, 10 or 20 Palestinian innocents are murdered by the IDF via attack helicopters and ammunition while they ostensibly are targetting Hamas "insurgents". This is called collective punishment, and this kind of response is contrary both to the Geneva conventions as well as international law. The neo-conservative rhetoric that terrorism exists in some kind of vacuum is simply false. Terrorism in this case is a direct result of the 60 years of terror perpetrated on the Palestinian people by the Israeli government.
George Galloway deconstructs fidgety stuttering neo-con liar David Frum. Video here.
An online version of Orwell's 1984. Well worth reading as we are practically living in it.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Open Letter to Ezra Levant (Zionist) of the Western Standard
Where was the Western Standard while the B'nai Brith was railroading Ernst Zundel into solitary confinement for thought crimes, as abhorrent as they may be? Where was the Western Standard when David Akehnew was being attacked by the Canadian Jewish Congress for expressing his opinion about Jews and WW2, as abhorrent as they may be?
Nowhere to be found. Complete and utter silence.
In other words, you are advocates for free speech provided that free speech targets your enemies.
I will defend your right to free speech, since there those of us who truly believe in free speech want real free speech for all Canadian citizens, not just free speech against approved Zionist targets like Islam and Ernst Zundel.
Until you come out in support for real free speech for all topics of discussion, including legitimate criticism of Zionism and Israel, your lame attempts to come across as a trailblazer are laughable at best.
We Are Change Confronts MSM Liar Charles Gibson
The good folks at We Are Change confront mainstream media liar and professional propagandist Charles Gibson, who arrogantly refuses to answer any of the simple questions presented to him.
"Let us do our jobs", whines Gibson.
No, Gibson, we will not let you continue to do the job of destroying Western society with your lies and coverups. The time for the truth is now.
Some may argue that their tactics are fruitless, but I disagree. I think these paid journalistic whores need to be confronted wherever they show their faces in public, and let it be known that some people are aware they are propaganda agents.
More excellent videos at the We are Change link.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Monday Morning Mish-Mash #2
Meanwhile, hardcore Zionist, war drummer and publisher Ezra Levant is made out to be some kind of hero for free speech here.
Remember folks, if the vitriol is directed to Muslims, it just an excersize in free speech, but if its directed towards Israel or Zionism, then it is "hate". One question for Mr. Levant: Where were you while other Canadians were being dragged through kangaroo courts for their views? Either you support free speech or you don't.
I am by no means condemning Ezra Levant. He should be able to print and say anything he believes. However, as long as a double standard exists, where attacks against Muslims are trumpeted in the Zionist media as "free speech", while the Canadian Jewish Congress attempts to shut down penny newspapers for thought crimes against Israel, I will not condone him either. If Levant starts speaking out firmly in his publications for free speech for ALL VIEWPOINTS, including those in opposition to Israel and radical Zionism, then I will consider him a true crusader for free speech.
That being said, I believe all free speech is a right and not a privilege, and the Canadian Human Rights Commission is a joke.
That being said, however, it seems some free speech is more equal than others.
Gandhi's grandson blasts the Israeli government and radical zionism here.
Excellent Eric Margolis article regarding the US election. Eric Margolis has always tells it like it is, his analysis is bang on, truthful and more mainstream news media journalists could take some lessons from him. He puts most journalism hacks to shame.
More on the Sibel Edmonds cover-up, she is starting to name names, and of course, the story is being met with silence by the mainstream media.
The Japanese Senate hears a presentation regarding the 911 cover-up.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I'm Mexican-American,and I Know that Ron Paul is No Racist!
by Stewart Rhodes
read more | digg story
The opponents of Ron Paul hate you, the freethinking person because you ARE FREE. They smear Ron Paul because they fear his message of hope and freedom.
The Western Press: Pretending to be "Free"
A biblical quote is the best response to this assumption by Professor Toughill: first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
Professor Toughill would do better to look right here in her own country before she starts looking elsewhere for oppression dragons to slay.
I don't have enough knowledge about the situation in Russia within the media to judge whether or not the atmosphere there is particularily repressive, or whether or not this meme seems to be a smear campaign against the Putin government by the former Zionist oligarchs whom he removed from power, in a ruthless fasion. Is this power bloc of wealthy men, whom Putin has made enemies with, contributing to and encouraging this assumption through their various media outlets?
That being said, I do not believe that the model of news reporting and mainstream information dissemination here in Canada and the West comes anywhere close to "freedom of speech" or a "free press".
Where has the Western press been on such topics as the attacks on 911, which have studiously and purposefully ignored the thousands of anomalies, lies, and facts which frankly, on the face of things, do not add up. Stories have been suppressed and ignored in what can only be assumed to be silent editorial policy. Journalists and mainstream reporters who live in journalistic ivory towers and fear for their livelihoods in the event they should actually release suppressed information. How free is our Western press when reporters working in the mainstream media are too cowed or too afraid of losing their livelihoods, to actually confront some of these many topics?
Take for example World Trade Centre #7. Ask your friends and family how many towers collapsed on 911 and most of them will tell you that only two collapsed, when, as we know, there were three collapses that day. Why has the so called "free press" not done a thorough investigation of this story, and why is this fact not common knowledge? There are literally thousands of examples, post 911, of how the "free press", both here in Canada and particularily in the United States, has buried 911 under a shroud of misinformation. Evidence, good evidence, exists that not only is the Western media distorting these events, but is actually complicit in covering them up. I myself have written various reporters in the mainstream media in the last 7 years, addressing these issues, but have never once recieved a reply? They are simply too afraid to address these issues, and this fear has contributed to the cone of silence.
Lets talk for a moment about a situation here in Canada, in which men are sentenced to prison in Germany, deported from Canada for what can only be termed as thought crimes regarding the holocaust. In the case of Ernst Zundel, where was the mainstream "free press" when it came to defending his right to free expression, a right which is so often trumpeted when justifying hatred against the Muslim world? As abhorrent or disgusting one may feel his views are, not one mainstream, free, non suppressed Western journalist here in Canada addressed this issue or rose to his defense, for fear of the silent oppression of free expression and loss of reputation and livelihood. The fact of the matter is that we in Western society are labouring under the illusion that we are free, and that our press is free to report and let you decide what is right and what is wrong. Thoughtcrime flourishes in Canada.
In the United States congress there is currently a bill, HR 1955, designed to attack "homegrown terrorism" and radicalization, and, of course, the "free" Western media is completely silent.
For anyone in the Western press to point fingers at the Russian government for their oppression while we langish under this cone of silence right here in Canada is laughable at best. There is hope, however.
It is quickly becoming apparent, from the awakening on the blogosphere regarding voter fraud and Ron Paul, to grassroots efforts to expose the lies of 911 that this silence, this oppressive vacuum of information, that the efforts on the part of the mainstream media to ignore the obvious are becoming futile.
Thank God for the internet and the New Media, and all the people devoting their time to fighting this oppression and bringing us real, true freedom of speech.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Canadian Charged with Threatening Bush
A man from Kingston, Ont., has been charged for allegedly threatening to kill U.S. President George W. Bush.
In October 2005, White House staff reported receiving threats from a man through e-mails.
One of the e-mails mentioned using a bomb to kill the president.
Police in Kingston became involved when they were informed of more threatening e-mails to the White House in June and July of 2007.
Darren Lovelock, 29, was arrested Nov. 2 and charged Thursday with threats against an internationally-protected person.
Lovelock is being held for a psychological assessment.
Let this be a lesson to everyone who wants a particular world leader to leave this mortal coil.
Keep it to yourself. I know its hard sometimes, but emailing death threats does no good.
Two things: first off, these events took place over 2 years and 6 months ago respectively. If these threats to Dry Drunk Emperor were so serious, why are they charging him only now?
And secondly, in my opinion, this person is not crazy, in fact, he seems to be more sane than the millions of people who voted for Shrubby the Murderer in 2000 and 2004.
Digg it here.
Canadian Action Party
I have never been what one would call a socialist, and in my younger days I was what you might call a "market liberal", but my recent outlook has me interested in libertarianism. I still cannot bring myself to support economic libertarianism, as it still feels to harsh and draconian for me to reject the notion that all Canadians should have access to health care, but on the flip side of the coin, my recent readings, and in particular the run for Presidency of Dr. Ron Paul, has led me towards the belief that the more government involvement we have in our lives, the less free we are going to be, no matter which party is in power. Governments of the 20th and 21st century have moved away from being servants of the people and towards being servants of special interests and the military industrial corporate complex.
The day may yet come where I become a full fledged libertarian, but for now I have discovered a party that I may be able to support in upcoming federal elections.
I am not a member or official supporter, but the Canadian Action Party intrigues me very much.
Here is where they stand on a number of issues:
-an immediate withdrawal of our troops from
-the removal of Canadian war planners from the Bi-national Planning Group and NORTHCOM
-Royal Commission to Investigate 911, NAU and NAFTA. CAP calls for an immediate moratorium on all Canadian anti-terrorist legislation pending the results of this Royal Commission.
-The Canadian Action Party supports international and humanitarian law, including the Geneva Conventions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We will support the international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions until Israel demolishes the Apartheid Wall, compensates those injured by the wall, ceases its occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and complies with the precepts of international law, including the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194, equality under the law. There can be no peace for
-Would repeal Bill C-68 so that it would no longer be necessary to register rifles and shotguns. As we suspected, registration of shotguns or rifles does little to decrease crime or prevent loss of life. Firearm Acquisition Certificates would, of course, still be required to prevent angry or unstable persons from buying firearms.
-Returning to the Bank of Canada for a minimum of 50% of Government-created money (GCM) is essential to maintaining our sovereignty (our monetary system must not be in the complete control of the private bankers.)
I find myself in agreement with many of these policies, and the Canadian Action Party may very well have found themselves a supporter in the next Federal election.
For more information about their policies, go here.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Rudy Giuliani? 9.11% in three different districts? Coincidence?
More Black Box voting irregularities here.
I Ain't No Senators Daughter
John McCain, the New Hampshire primary winner, former "Crown Prince" POW and staunch Bush apologist who says such things as:
"There is no question but that there has been a good deal of interaction between the terrorists in The Philippines and the Al-Qaida and people in Iraq." November 2001, ABC Nightline
'I think the situation on the ground is going to improve,' he says. 'Overall, I think a year from now, we will have made a fair amount of progress if we stay the course.' The Hill Dec 8/2005
Meanwhile, back on planet earth......
John fervently believes in the Iraq war, and would have supported it under any circumstances, and makes no bones about it......provided it is YOUR DAUGHTER or YOUR SON who is spreading the democracy.
Well, John has a precious 23 year old daughter of his own, and guess what, SHE HAS A BLOG!
In this blog, she ruminates on such subjects as Mexican food, lunching with Joe, meeting friendly old war criminal Henry Kissinger and making snowmen. Does she have a job? Working for Daddy's campaign and being cute apparently.
Meanwhile, your son or daughter, because of stop-loss rules and redeployment, longer tours and maybe even joined the Reserves just to make some extra cash on the weekends, bleeds, loses limbs and dies in the desert of Iraq so her daddy can appease his Zionist and military industrial complex puppeteers.
Remember folks, its other peoples kids who have to die and get maimed, have their lives destroyed and their educational benefits denied, their bonuses snatched from their very hands so that John McCain and his ilk can keep their Israeli masters happy and their benefactors fat on war profits, their kids get to prance across the country taking photo-ops while Daddy Runs for President. Wearing pretty outfits and laughing with their friends while Pop makes another speech espousing 100 more years of YOUR KIDS dying and fighting for THEIR WAR.
Digg it here.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Free Speech: Quotes
John Stuart Mill
We have a natural right to make use of our pens as of our tongue, at our peril, risk and hazard.
Books won't stay banned. They won't burn. Ideas won't go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only weapon against bad ideas is better ideas.
Alfred Whitney Griswold
I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air – that progress made under the shadow of the policeman's club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave.
H. L Mencken
Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
Patrick Henry
Youtube Douchenozzle of the Week: Troy from Wv
So, next time you wonder why "they" hate us, you can watch this jaw dropping troglodyte celebrate the further slide into fascism.
Digg it here.
New Hampshire: Possible Vote Fraud and Other News
Something is rotten in Sutton County.
John McCentury, who will keep Americans engaged in Iraq for 100 years if necessary, wins New Hampshire, the result of which brings to mind the old saying "What were you thinking?" and crying witch Shillary barely beats bought and sold Uncle Tom Trilateral commission and Israeli firster Obama.
Sad results from the "Live Free or Die" state. Are Americans ready for freedom?
The BBC reports that the expected recession in the United States has arrived.
Excellent Justin Raimondo article regarding the American brinkmanship bringing us to the edge of World War 3.
In Occupied Palestine, its the same old, same old, as Israeli is accused of engaging in typical thuglike fashion prior to "negotiations" with the Palestinians.
Meanwhile, Dry Drunk Emperor arrives in Occupied Palestine to get his orders for 2008.
And some older news regarding 911 in case you missed it. Ex Italian President Cossiga says intel agencies knew in advance about the 911 attacks.
More on Operation Gladio here and here.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
When the government fears the people, there is liberty."
Thomas Jefferson
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Zionist Israeli Firster Smears Ron Paul
This can only mean one thing: THEY ARE SCARED.
Here is the link to Jamie's smearjob of Dr. Paul at The New Republic, complete with the appropriate smackdown bitchslap from most readers. No references, no citations, no bibliography. Another Zionist smearjob by another Neo-Con left gatekeeper.
In short, shoddy journalism.
Ron Paul's campaign responds.
Digg it here.
Sibel Edmonds, Israeli Spies, Turkey and Pakistan
Edmonds, who was recruited by the FBI after 9-11 because of her Turkish and Farsi language skills, has long been claiming that in her FBI job of covertly monitoring conversations between Turkish, Israeli, Persian and other foreign agents and US contacts, including a backlog of untranslated tapes dating back to 1997, she had heard evidence of "money laundering, drug imports and attempts to acquire nuclear and conventional weapons technology." But the Turkish training for 9-11 rang more alarm bells and made her decide that talking behind closed doors to Congress or the FBI was not enough. She had to go public.
Edmonds claims in the Times that even as she was providing evidence of moles within the US State Department, the Pentagon, and the nuclear weapons establishment, who were providing nuclear secrets for cash, through Turkey, to Pakistan's intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, agencies within the Bush administration were actively working to block investigation and to shield those who were committing the acts of treason.
Pakistan's ISI is known to have had, and to still maintain close contacts with Al-Qaeda. Indeed, the Times notes that Pakistan's nuclear god-father, General Mahmoud Ahmad, was accused of sanctioning a $100,000 wire payment to Mohammed Atta, one of the 9/11 hijackers, immediately before the attacks.
Edmonds claims, in the Times article, that following the 9-11 attacks, FBI investigators took a number of Turkish and Pakistani operatives into custody for questioning about foreknowledge of the attacks, but that a high-ranking US State Department official repeatedly acted to spirit them out of the country.
This extremely important story, in which Edmonds has named specific parties, and if her allegations are correct, uncover a huge network of spies working within the American government, and co-operation between "America's only friend in the Middle East"-Israel and Turkish and Pakistani paymasters. The cone of silence in the American media is deafening. The British Times Online, remarkably, has printed the story, but nary a peep out of the New York Times or Washington Post.
Even more remarkable, but not so surprising, given the state of US media, is that the story has caught legs in Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, that Israeli moles are planted in key nuclear technology institutions.
Is there any longer an iota of doubt that the American mainstream media has been co-opted by forces who wish to keep the lid on information which may be damaging to certain, SPECIAL, interests? Is it any wonder in the wake of 911, the bungling of facts, the poor journalism during the run-up to the attack on Iraq, that people are turning away from the industrial corporate mainstream media and turning to the internet as their main source of real news and information? Huge stories relating to Israel or Israeli interests, such as the AIPAC spy scandal, are systematically ignored or under reported. We aren't just talking about Fox News here people, we are talking about many so called "liberal" news outlets, all working in cooperation to keep YOU, the average American, Canadian, Brit and Australian, uninformed?
Digg this story here.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Fox News: Frank Luntz busted on fake Focus Groups
 ataround 3:46 and at around 1:44
You will notice that they put up an undecided voter twice. The same guy is seen on the 9-7-07 debate then reappears again in the 1-6-08 debate. Fox News are liars.
Props to dexter_roseville at for the eagle eye. As Penn and Teller point out in this video, Frank Luntz is nothing more than a payed spinmeister, a man who whores himself out to get Fox News the reaction they want.
Thanks Frank! Joe Goebbels would be proud!
911 Fact of the Day (#2)
World Trade Center Number 7, despite never having been struck by an airplane, collapses in the same manner as WTC 1 and 2, and the Beeb is there to report it, albeit 17 minutes before it actually collapses.
Lucky Larry Silverstein, Zionist property developer and mass murderer, explains here how they pulled it, later explaining what he really meant was to "pull the firefighters out of WTC7". Uh, sure, Larry.
911 was an inside job.
Monday Morning Mish-Mash
A great little Ron Paul ad here. The grassroots really does a nice job in getting Dr. Paul's message out.
Fox News caught using "actors" as focus groups, story here.
Crazy John McCain, the Zionist Neo-Con who actually thinks the American people support the Bush administrations policies, tells New Hampshire voters that it would be Jim-Dandy with him if Americans stayed in Iraq for 100 years.
Scary "Al-Quada" guy, Azzam the American, makes an appearance on video to dramatically cut up his American passport. The only problem? Azzam's real name is Adam Pearlman, and he is grandson of high ranking ADL operatives in Orange Country, California. Fake Al Quada strikes again.
The Dry Drunk Shrub will need a virtual army to protect him while he pays a visit to his managers in Israel this week.
More Canadian soldiers die in Afghanistan for no reason other than to placate Washington. Thats 77 wasted lives since 2002. If we really support our troops, bring them home.
More chaos in Iraq, more death, more destruction as Zionist lackey General Betrayus' surge is nothing more than window dressing to convince the American people that all is now well in Iraq. In fact, 2007 was the deadliest year since the invasion and occupation for American soldiers.
Sibel Edmonds, the 911 whistleblower, drops the bombshell US Defense Dept officials may have sold nuclear secrets and information to Israeli and Turkish interests, who in turn, sold it to Pakistan. The jury is out on this one, althought Ha'aretz is also running a similiar story about Israeli moles in key nuclear installations across the US.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Post Iowa Caucus Autopsy
Ghoul-Lee-Annie has a dismal showing, but doesn't care, and the champion of the people and constitutionalist Ron Paul gets 10%. Israeli parent firm Elron, a defense contractor who now seem to own Voxeo does a good job of counting the ballots.
There is no reason why Fox News or any network should any longer be excluding Dr. Paul from any debates, forums, meet ups, square dances or ladies auxiliary lunches with this showing.
CNN shows below that sometimes you just have to make the pie higher.
I am taking the weekend off and will be back Sunday.

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Q and A with Mike Rivero of
WRH has cost me and my wife in a lot of ways. For a while, I was blacklisted from Hollywood, and while I am still not back in Hollywood I do have a career back up and running. But for a while there it was really a struggle just to stay afloat. I do not know what my life would have been without WRH and I don't waste time speculating about it. As for what keeps me going, I refuse to suffer a government that lies to me to trick me out of my money and my consent. And I sure do not plan to leave such a government to oppress the next generation. In the movie "Kingdom of Heaven", the character of Baliun has a motto carved into his blacksmith's shop that reads, "What is a man who does not make the world a better place." I have a great deal of resonance with that thought. The highest purpose any of us has is to leave to our children a better world than that which was left to us.
Q: Was there a catalyzing event that made you realize that the "powers that be" were lying to you, or have you always been aware of the reality of politics and media?
I guess I was always aware of it to some extent, but it did not really sink home until the moment I saw the photo of Vincent Foster's hand with the gun that he allegedly shot himself with. That photo was so obviously a staged shot it broke through all assumptions I still have about our government being the "good guys". The harassment and career-wrecking I endured right after that merely hammered the point home.
Q: At what point during or after the 911 attacks did you realize that it was an inside job, or that at least, the "official version" was bogus? Was there one particular part of the story that sealed the deal for you?
I recall watching the second tower fall and concluding that it had to be an inside job right then and there. Oddly enough the mainstream media had been doing a lot of non-stories about Osama the whole month previously, which kind of tipped their hand that something was in the works that was going to be blamed on him.
Q: Looking towards the future, do you think the mainstream media will switch gears once they realize that the "old media" is out of touch with the views of the majority of the American people, or do you believe the media is now functioning primarily as a propaganda tool of its corporate ownership? Will the new media be co-opted by usual suspects or is it possible for the "Bloggers Revolution" to actually take over as the primary, "mainstream" source of information and real journalism?
The old corporate mainstream media is too fossilized to change. Yes, they are building their own websites and in some cases even hiring "cooperative" bloggers, but in the end, it isn't the medium of the internet that defines the new media, but the content. The Internet embodies the diversity of opinion that used to be enforced by law with the mainstream media. But once the mainstream media was allowed to condense to just a few media mega-corporations, that diversity and objectivity was destroyed. The self-proclaimed role of the media as watchdog on government abuse was co-opted and the networks became propaganda ministries. We all saw that when the networks declared that Saddam had 'nookular' bombs when even the poorest bloggers knew that the claim was total fiction.
Q: Do you have any thoughts on what might be in store for us in the upcoming year? Will the economy continue its slow, downward spiral or will we see a sudden crash a la 1929?
I am expecting an outright crash, early in the year to keep it out of the way of the Presidential campaign in the fall. The economy is too interlinked and interdependent. We have only just begun to see the consequences of the direvatives problem. And of course, government debt is totally out of control, while Bush and his minions keep borrowing more and more to pay for failed wars of conquest.
Q: Can the Ron Paul Revolution overcome the obvious bias and Machiavellian manoeuverings of the NWO/ Zionist Military Industrial owned media or will it take more than elections to change the path we are headed towards? I know you don't advocate armed revolution or violence, but at what point does this actually become the only option?
Does Dr. Paul have a shot as a third party candidate, say on a peace ticket with Kucinich, if the Republican Party nomination is stolen by McRudyromson?
By himself, Ron Paul can do nothing. Once he is on his way to the GOP nominations, Americans need to start looking at who in Congress will support a return to the original Republic and who will not. The traditional Republican versus Democrat model no longer works. The real dichotomy is restoring the republic versus creating a new fascist state.
Q: Have you, or would you ever consider running for political office? There are lots of people out there who think you would make an excellent Congressman. :)
I have thought about it, but I doubt I could win. I won't lie to the people. I did inhale. But who knows what the future will bring. Somewhere down the road there is going to be a huge backlash against the Neocons and in such a reactionary election season, yes, I might run for Congress if for no other reason than to see the look of shock on their faces when I walked into the floor of the Congress.
Thanks Mike.
Please donate to this important website here.
Mike Rivero will be heard on Alex Jones Infowars on February 5th 1200 CST and can be heard every second Thursday at 1600 on KKCR-FM.
Rivero is an important voice for truth and freedom and has dedicated 14 years of his life to this cause, and we applaud him for it.
DUMP News Corp. (Fox News Media)
The downward slide of News Corp. continues.
Dump Fox News!
"The real war we will have to face and wage now is the war Against the Mainstream media".
Iowa Caucus, Save Darfur Sham and Israeli Collective Punishment
Meanwhile, John "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Iran" McCain, the ticking timebomb media creation and fraud, is all smiles after the polls put him in the lead in Iowa.
Lets hope for a strong showing by Ron Paul in Iowa today. According to the blogosphere, ABC is now considering dropping Paul out of its upcoming debate.
Save Darfur. It's the Hollywood activist, Bob Geldofian creation of a number of Jewish student organizations. Peel beneath the layers and you can see why Zionists are politicizing the Darfur tragedy.
Pardon me being so cynical, but when I see certain geo-political cause being taken up by celebrities and funded by so much money and advertising, one has to wonder if there is an alterior motive that goes beyond pure humanitarianism.
While I sympathize with the plight of all the victims of this undoubted tragedy, I am still waiting for someone to answer, if those “Save Darfur” activists, celebrities and politicians really care about genocide in Africa, why are they not speaking up about, for instance the Congo, where millions more have been killed and many more have been raped?
Could it be that Darfur is a not really about saving lives but more about politicizing the so called "war" between the West and Islam?
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
2008: The Year of the Patriot
If it isn't obvious to anyone at this point that the mainstream media, and I don't mean just Fox News, is nothing more than a propaganda organ for the elite banksters, this should seal it.
"The network said it had limited space in its studio -- a souped-up bus -- and that it invited candidates who had received double-digit support in recent polls."
Basically, the banksters who run the mainstream media are hoping to head off the Ron Paul juggernaut by marginalizing it and burying it. But you can't bury the numbers.
This could very well blow up in their faces, and in their desperation to shove aside Dr. Paul, they make themselves look, well, silly.