Friday, January 4, 2008

Post Iowa Caucus Autopsy

Obama, Edwards and the head witch Clinton in that order for the left side of the Zionazi Party. On the right side, Tee-vee actor Fred Thompson, who hasn't actually said anything worth listening to in 6 months, suckers 15,000 or so zombiefied Iowans into casting ballots for him. Huckajesus wins, with a little help from the Big Man himself.
Ghoul-Lee-Annie has a dismal showing, but doesn't care, and the champion of the people and constitutionalist Ron Paul gets 10%. Israeli parent firm Elron, a defense contractor who now seem to own Voxeo does a good job of counting the ballots.

There is no reason why Fox News or any network should any longer be excluding Dr. Paul from any debates, forums, meet ups, square dances or ladies auxiliary lunches with this showing.
CNN shows below that sometimes you just have to make the pie higher.
I am taking the weekend off and will be back Sunday.


Anonymous said...

FYI, Voxeo is not an Israeli company:

Adam said...

But Elron is. As Chris Bollyn has pointed out.