Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Western Press: Pretending to be "Free"

I was reading the Toronto Star online this morning and came across this article in which the writer, now an assistant professor at University of King's and a former Star journalist, Kelly Toughill, tells us how the Russian government has clamped down on free journalism and "free speech", and how she struggled to explain to the oppressed Russian students how unfree they actually were. My jaw almost fell to the floor as I read to this hypocritical and patronizing reporter ask the Russian student at the end of the story if she wanted a "free press".
A biblical quote is the best response to this assumption by Professor Toughill: first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.
Professor Toughill would do better to look right here in her own country before she starts looking elsewhere for oppression dragons to slay.
I don't have enough knowledge about the situation in Russia within the media to judge whether or not the atmosphere there is particularily repressive, or whether or not this meme seems to be a smear campaign against the Putin government by the former Zionist oligarchs whom he removed from power, in a ruthless fasion. Is this power bloc of wealthy men, whom Putin has made enemies with, contributing to and encouraging this assumption through their various media outlets?
That being said, I do not believe that the model of news reporting and mainstream information dissemination here in Canada and the West comes anywhere close to "freedom of speech" or a "free press".
Where has the Western press been on such topics as the attacks on 911, which have studiously and purposefully ignored the thousands of anomalies, lies, and facts which frankly, on the face of things, do not add up. Stories have been suppressed and ignored in what can only be assumed to be silent editorial policy. Journalists and mainstream reporters who live in journalistic ivory towers and fear for their livelihoods in the event they should actually release suppressed information. How free is our Western press when reporters working in the mainstream media are too cowed or too afraid of losing their livelihoods, to actually confront some of these many topics?
Take for example World Trade Centre #7. Ask your friends and family how many towers collapsed on 911 and most of them will tell you that only two collapsed, when, as we know, there were three collapses that day. Why has the so called "free press" not done a thorough investigation of this story, and why is this fact not common knowledge? There are literally thousands of examples, post 911, of how the "free press", both here in Canada and particularily in the United States, has buried 911 under a shroud of misinformation. Evidence, good evidence, exists that not only is the Western media distorting these events, but is actually complicit in covering them up. I myself have written various reporters in the mainstream media in the last 7 years, addressing these issues, but have never once recieved a reply? They are simply too afraid to address these issues, and this fear has contributed to the cone of silence.
Lets talk for a moment about a situation here in Canada, in which men are sentenced to prison in Germany, deported from Canada for what can only be termed as thought crimes regarding the holocaust. In the case of Ernst Zundel, where was the mainstream "free press" when it came to defending his right to free expression, a right which is so often trumpeted when justifying hatred against the Muslim world? As abhorrent or disgusting one may feel his views are, not one mainstream, free, non suppressed Western journalist here in Canada addressed this issue or rose to his defense, for fear of the silent oppression of free expression and loss of reputation and livelihood. The fact of the matter is that we in Western society are labouring under the illusion that we are free, and that our press is free to report and let you decide what is right and what is wrong. Thoughtcrime flourishes in Canada.
In the United States congress there is currently a bill, HR 1955, designed to attack "homegrown terrorism" and radicalization, and, of course, the "free" Western media is completely silent.
For anyone in the Western press to point fingers at the Russian government for their oppression while we langish under this cone of silence right here in Canada is laughable at best. There is hope, however.
It is quickly becoming apparent, from the awakening on the blogosphere regarding voter fraud and Ron Paul, to grassroots efforts to expose the lies of 911 that this silence, this oppressive vacuum of information, that the efforts on the part of the mainstream media to ignore the obvious are becoming futile.
Thank God for the internet and the New Media, and all the people devoting their time to fighting this oppression and bringing us real, true freedom of speech.

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