Thursday, January 3, 2008

Q and A with Mike Rivero of

Q: WRH is a 14 year legacy for you. What keeps you motivated to keep going despite the expenses and the time consumed? Is Whatreallyhappened expensive for you to maintain?

WRH has cost me and my wife in a lot of ways. For a while, I was blacklisted from Hollywood, and while I am still not back in Hollywood I do have a career back up and running. But for a while there it was really a struggle just to stay afloat. I do not know what my life would have been without WRH and I don't waste time speculating about it. As for what keeps me going, I refuse to suffer a government that lies to me to trick me out of my money and my consent. And I sure do not plan to leave such a government to oppress the next generation. In the movie "Kingdom of Heaven", the character of Baliun has a motto carved into his blacksmith's shop that reads, "What is a man who does not make the world a better place." I have a great deal of resonance with that thought. The highest purpose any of us has is to leave to our children a better world than that which was left to us.

Q: Was there a catalyzing event that made you realize that the "powers that be" were lying to you, or have you always been aware of the reality of politics and media?

I guess I was always aware of it to some extent, but it did not really sink home until the moment I saw the photo of Vincent Foster's hand with the gun that he allegedly shot himself with. That photo was so obviously a staged shot it broke through all assumptions I still have about our government being the "good guys". The harassment and career-wrecking I endured right after that merely hammered the point home.

Q: At what point during or after the 911 attacks did you realize that it was an inside job, or that at least, the "official version" was bogus? Was there one particular part of the story that sealed the deal for you?

I recall watching the second tower fall and concluding that it had to be an inside job right then and there. Oddly enough the mainstream media had been doing a lot of non-stories about Osama the whole month previously, which kind of tipped their hand that something was in the works that was going to be blamed on him.

Q: Looking towards the future, do you think the mainstream media will switch gears once they realize that the "old media" is out of touch with the views of the majority of the American people, or do you believe the media is now functioning primarily as a propaganda tool of its corporate ownership? Will the new media be co-opted by usual suspects or is it possible for the "Bloggers Revolution" to actually take over as the primary, "mainstream" source of information and real journalism?

The old corporate mainstream media is too fossilized to change. Yes, they are building their own websites and in some cases even hiring "cooperative" bloggers, but in the end, it isn't the medium of the internet that defines the new media, but the content. The Internet embodies the diversity of opinion that used to be enforced by law with the mainstream media. But once the mainstream media was allowed to condense to just a few media mega-corporations, that diversity and objectivity was destroyed. The self-proclaimed role of the media as watchdog on government abuse was co-opted and the networks became propaganda ministries. We all saw that when the networks declared that Saddam had 'nookular' bombs when even the poorest bloggers knew that the claim was total fiction.

Q: Do you have any thoughts on what might be in store for us in the upcoming year? Will the economy continue its slow, downward spiral or will we see a sudden crash a la 1929?

I am expecting an outright crash, early in the year to keep it out of the way of the Presidential campaign in the fall. The economy is too interlinked and interdependent. We have only just begun to see the consequences of the direvatives problem. And of course, government debt is totally out of control, while Bush and his minions keep borrowing more and more to pay for failed wars of conquest.

Q: Can the Ron Paul Revolution overcome the obvious bias and Machiavellian manoeuverings of the NWO/ Zionist Military Industrial owned media or will it take more than elections to change the path we are headed towards? I know you don't advocate armed revolution or violence, but at what point does this actually become the only option?
Does Dr. Paul have a shot as a third party candidate, say on a peace ticket with Kucinich, if the Republican Party nomination is stolen by McRudyromson?

By himself, Ron Paul can do nothing. Once he is on his way to the GOP nominations, Americans need to start looking at who in Congress will support a return to the original Republic and who will not. The traditional Republican versus Democrat model no longer works. The real dichotomy is restoring the republic versus creating a new fascist state.

Q: Have you, or would you ever consider running for political office? There are lots of people out there who think you would make an excellent Congressman. :)

I have thought about it, but I doubt I could win. I won't lie to the people. I did inhale. But who knows what the future will bring. Somewhere down the road there is going to be a huge backlash against the Neocons and in such a reactionary election season, yes, I might run for Congress if for no other reason than to see the look of shock on their faces when I walked into the floor of the Congress.

Thanks Mike.

Please donate to this important website here.
Mike Rivero will be heard on Alex Jones Infowars on February 5th 1200 CST and can be heard every second Thursday at 1600 on KKCR-FM.
Rivero is an important voice for truth and freedom and has dedicated 14 years of his life to this cause, and we applaud him for it.


Anonymous said...

good on you Mike keep on trucking

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr. Rivero, for telling the truth. Your website is just the thing for us thinker-philosopher-types as well as the
active person. We can be both.

Anonymous said...


You and your site rock! I think you should push any hesitation you have down, and move forward with that position in government. I think the people will make a way for you

Anonymous said...

What Really Happened is very important to me. All the real news I have gotten in the last 3 years is from his site. I just contributed 100 buck to him. Have you?

Anonymous said...

Mike, you have one of the very best sites on the web.
Thanks for exposing the truth. I also enjoy your comments. Keep up the great work.
Peace and God bless you.

curt maynard said...

Rivero is one of the most important individuals in cyber space at present, infinitely fair, truly enlightened, able to rise above political correctness most of the time, and dedicated to truth.

God bless

Curt Maynard

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mike, I read your site daily for the fair and balanced news. I like approach and your solution ideas. Thanks for your dedication.

Unknown said...

WRH is all that allowed me to keep sane in the first couple of years after 911. Simply to know that I was not alone at that time when the winds were blowing in a totally different direction will not be forgotten ever. Thanks Mike.

Adam said...

Thank you for leaving a comment Curtis, you should be commended as well. Your writings are fearless and inspiring.

Anonymous said...

from one of the few sane people left in england - CHEERS MIKE!!!

Anonymous said...

mikey, power to the truths you tell and MORE POWER to the truths that you don't tell or hide

thanks for all the truth over the years.... but you have changed since linking with alex jones...

your claim to caveat emptor even as you explicitly blame bush/cheney rather than focusing on the banking families (rothschilds/warburgs/schiffs...) and your false attacks on christianity (by constantly equating evangelical zionists with christianity) are exposing you as nothing more than a deep gatekeeper.

Anonymous said...

This was a very good eye opener to anyone not acquainted with Michael's site.

More publicity is needed for them to keep the site alive.
Thanks for postin this.

Anonymous said...

But Rivero links to fascism frequently.

RIvero employs fabricated quote by A. Sharon to stir-up race hate. Rivero knows the quote is fabricated - but still uses it. Why - if not to stir-up anti-semitism/jew-hate?

Rivero linked to a Swedish neo-nazi website - claiming "Swedes March for Freedom". Neo-nazis marching "for freedom"!!????

What a joke!

And he had Curt Maynard on his show - Curt Maynard promoted race hate through his blogs which google keep closing down (because of the extreme racism and hate-speech)

Rivero helped promote the DECEPTIVE "no wars for Israel conference". The conference was really a front for neo-nazis, fascists and holocaust deniers - but it was deceptively billed as a conference about palestine and "no wars for Israel".

The conference was clearly deceptive - and Rivero carried broadcasts from it live - and promoted it.

Rivero is doing little other then foisting neo-nazi and fascist perspectives under the noses of "concerned citizens".

For all Rivero's easy talk about fighting fascism - why then does he say marching neo-nazis stand for "freedom"?

If he is against fascism why does he keep linking to fascist websites, racist commentators?


Adam said...

I feel compelled to respond to your scurrilous remarks.I have never seen any evidence that Mike Rivero is a racist. I have read his website every single day for 6 years, and never once have I seen a "racist" comment. Mike Rivero is an anti-Zionist, and Zionism is not a race. It is an ideaology, and one in which many Jews have recognized as being a supremacist ideaology itself. Zionism is nothing more than Jewish cultural supremacism. This is a fact, no matter how much Zionists themselves howl.
Throwing around terms like anti-semite, racist, fascist and neo-nazi is nothing more than an attempt to minimize the message by attacking the messenger.
Curt Maynard asks questions that should be asked. If that makes him "racist" then so be it.
I suspect your motives have more to do with the fact that you yourself are likely both Jewish and a Zionist.

Anonymous said...

I have read his website every single day for 6 years, and never once have I seen a "racist" comment.

well, you aren't paying attention then.

WRH hosts two articles by Curt Maynard, for instance. RIvero interviewed Maynard on his WRH radio show Tuesday Feb 5th 2008.

go check out Maynard's website yourself:

Here's a little foretaste:

Never trust niggers! Never speak to niggers, never give them anything, never do anything for them, and NEVER turn your back on them. Pretty soon our government is going to have to allow us to cull the nigger herd, because if they don't, nigger crime and its consequences might just blow up in their face.


Adam said...

To anonymous June 22nd post: All you are doing here is attacking the messenger via scurrilous connections.
This is likely because Mike Rivero is saying and more importantly, proving and exposing things that don't fit into or damage your own idealogy, but because you are out of "debate ammo" and unable to actually diminish the truth in what he is saying.
As for Curt Maynard, he says many things, not all of which I agree with. I certainly do not see eye to eye with Curt Maynard on racial issues, but again, he asks the pertinent questions. Are you saying we should ignore those pertinent questions because of his racial idealogy? Are you saying we should throw away all of Maynards valid and good points because he has a certain idealogy that I might disagree with? I believe in free speech and the only way to keep speech free is to listen to and ALLOW ALL viewpoints, which is why I allow people like you to comment freely on my blog.
Unlike others.

Anonymous said...


Rivero has NEVER mentioned Maynard's racism. Rivero has NEVER condemned Maynard's racism.

Quite the opposite - Rivero has interviewed Maynard, Rivero hosts articles by Maynard, he links to Maynard's articles.........

And yes - you're damn right that Rivero (and Maynard's) ideology is different to mine: I am NOT a racist, anti-semite. THEY ARE.

So what about these connections to fascism? What sort of ideology do such connections betray? FASCISM.

The interview you posted gives Rivero a free-ride, and your comments are an apologia for Rivero's support of fascism and racism too.

It's funny how much of conspiracism (including Rivero's bullshit) relies on tenuous connections between things - and yet people fight like hell to claim Rivero's connections to fascism are meaningless.

Hilarious double standards.

Anonymous said...

haha - over at Curt Maynard's racist blog we find

JohnBallsGhost said...

Another smashing article Mr. Maynard. Very well done and an excellent read.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Gosh - what a shock! To see someone defending Rivero from accusations of fascism, only for them to show up at Maynard's blog giving their own encouragement.

So, JohnBallGhost - make a habit of reading fascist bullshit do you?

No wonder you defend Rivero - you drink from the same poisoned well.


So what exactly is it that you disagree with Maynard about, Mr JohnBallGhost?

Just like the rest - you're a useful idiot for fascism.

Anonymous said...

You claim to be a fan of Umberto Eco - yet you consort, protect and promote agents of FASCISM.

Shame on you.

Here is Umberto Eco, saying words you should heed, Mr johnbullghost.

Ur-Fascism is still around us, sometimes in plainclothes. It would be so much easier for us if there appeared on the world scene somebody saying, "I want to reopen Auschwitz, I want the Blackshirts to parade again in the Italian squares." Life is not that simple. Ur-Fascism can come back under the most innocent of disguises. Our duty is to uncover it and to point our finger at any of its new instances — every day, in every part of the world.


You've let him down badly, don't you think?