Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Ain't No Senators Daughter

Arizona Senator John McCain, who loves democracy and freedom so much that this week, he stated that staying in Iraq for another 100 years would be peachy, as long as no Americans died.
John McCain, the New Hampshire primary winner, former "Crown Prince" POW and staunch Bush apologist who says such things as:
"There is no question but that there has been a good deal of interaction between the terrorists in The Philippines and the Al-Qaida and people in Iraq." November 2001, ABC Nightline
'I think the situation on the ground is going to improve,' he says. 'Overall, I think a year from now, we will have made a fair amount of progress if we stay the course.' The Hill Dec 8/2005

Meanwhile, back on planet earth......

John fervently believes in the Iraq war, and would have supported it under any circumstances, and makes no bones about it......provided it is YOUR DAUGHTER or YOUR SON who is spreading the democracy.

Well, John has a precious 23 year old daughter of his own, and guess what, SHE HAS A BLOG!
In this blog, she ruminates on such subjects as Mexican food, lunching with Joe, meeting friendly old war criminal Henry Kissinger and making snowmen. Does she have a job? Working for Daddy's campaign and being cute apparently.
Meanwhile, your son or daughter, because of stop-loss rules and redeployment, longer tours and maybe even joined the Reserves just to make some extra cash on the weekends, bleeds, loses limbs and dies in the desert of Iraq so her daddy can appease his Zionist and military industrial complex puppeteers.
Remember folks, its other peoples kids who have to die and get maimed, have their lives destroyed and their educational benefits denied, their bonuses snatched from their very hands so that John McCain and his ilk can keep their Israeli masters happy and their benefactors fat on war profits, their kids get to prance across the country taking photo-ops while Daddy Runs for President. Wearing pretty outfits and laughing with their friends while Pop makes another speech espousing 100 more years of YOUR KIDS dying and fighting for THEIR WAR.


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Anonymous said...

McCain does have a son in Iraq, so this argument is sorta lame! Freedom isn't Free, it just costs borrowing 16 Billion Dollars a month from China!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does she look oddly trashy? The photo of Lieberman and the cancer-stricken child reminded me of Cancer Boy from Kids in the Hall's Brain Candy.

Anonymous said...

McCain is a zionist puppet (LIEberman is his puppet master). Only Israel benefits from these endless Middle East wars. Iraq is the beginning. As we commit war-crimes in Baghdad, the US gov't commits treason at home by opening mail, eliminating habeas corpus, using the judiciary to steal private lands, banning books like America Deceived (book) from Amazon and Wikipedia, conducting warrantless wiretaps and engaging in illegal wars on behalf of AIPAC's 'money-men'. Soon, another US false-flag operation will occur (sinking of an Aircraft Carrier by Mossad) and the US will invade Iran.. Then we'll invade Syria, then Saudi Arabia, then Lebanon (again) then ....

Adam said...

I am aware of Jimmy McCains deployment to Iraq. My argument is that every combat aged child in the McCain family should be serving in the armed forces, not just his youngest son. Why can't Meghan serve?

Unknown said...

"McCain does have a son in Iraq, so this argument is sorta lame."
Wrong - it is very relevant. If he loves (illegal) war so much and has no problem at all with young people's lives being ruined by it, Every military-aged member of his immediate and extended family must be on the front lines - NO exceptions.
This holds true not only for McCain, but for EVERY politician who votes to keep this atrocity funded.