Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sibel Edmonds, Israeli Spies, Turkey and Pakistan

I have been scouring the American and Canadian mainstream media for the huge story that broke yesterday at various sources regarding gagged FBI translator Sibel Edmonds:

Edmonds, who was recruited by the FBI after 9-11 because of her Turkish and Farsi language skills, has long been claiming that in her FBI job of covertly monitoring conversations between Turkish, Israeli, Persian and other foreign agents and US contacts, including a backlog of untranslated tapes dating back to 1997, she had heard evidence of "money laundering, drug imports and attempts to acquire nuclear and conventional weapons technology." But the Turkish training for 9-11 rang more alarm bells and made her decide that talking behind closed doors to Congress or the FBI was not enough. She had to go public.

Edmonds claims in the Times that even as she was providing evidence of moles within the US State Department, the Pentagon, and the nuclear weapons establishment, who were providing nuclear secrets for cash, through Turkey, to Pakistan's intelligence agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, agencies within the Bush administration were actively working to block investigation and to shield those who were committing the acts of treason.

Pakistan's ISI is known to have had, and to still maintain close contacts with Al-Qaeda. Indeed, the Times notes that Pakistan's nuclear god-father, General Mahmoud Ahmad, was accused of sanctioning a $100,000 wire payment to Mohammed Atta, one of the 9/11 hijackers, immediately before the attacks.

Edmonds claims, in the Times article, that following the 9-11 attacks, FBI investigators took a number of Turkish and Pakistani operatives into custody for questioning about foreknowledge of the attacks, but that a high-ranking US State Department official repeatedly acted to spirit them out of the country.

This extremely important story, in which Edmonds has named specific parties, and if her allegations are correct, uncover a huge network of spies working within the American government, and co-operation between "America's only friend in the Middle East"-Israel and Turkish and Pakistani paymasters. The cone of silence in the American media is deafening. The British Times Online, remarkably, has printed the story, but nary a peep out of the New York Times or Washington Post.

Even more remarkable, but not so surprising, given the state of US media, is that the story has caught legs in Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, that Israeli moles are planted in key nuclear technology institutions.

Edmonds also claims, according to The Sunday Times, that the "moles," mainly PhD students, received assistance from a "high-ranking State Department official" who gave them security clearance to work in "sensitive nuclear research facilities."

Is there any longer an iota of doubt that the American mainstream media has been co-opted by forces who wish to keep the lid on information which may be damaging to certain, SPECIAL, interests? Is it any wonder in the wake of 911, the bungling of facts, the poor journalism during the run-up to the attack on Iraq, that people are turning away from the industrial corporate mainstream media and turning to the internet as their main source of real news and information? Huge stories relating to Israel or Israeli interests, such as the AIPAC spy scandal, are systematically ignored or under reported. We aren't just talking about Fox News here people, we are talking about many so called "liberal" news outlets, all working in cooperation to keep YOU, the average American, Canadian, Brit and Australian, uninformed?

Digg this story here.

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