Friday, January 18, 2008

Tony B. Liar, American Torture and 1984

Tony B. Liar, former Prime-Liar, war criminal and now million dollar circuit speaker meets opposition in Toronto amid heavy security. Expect this kind of treatment until you are held accountable for your actions Mr. Blair. The blood of thousands if on your hands.

Seven more Canadians injured defending the American Empire here.

Canada puts the United States on a list of nations who torture. It also listed countries and places with greater risks of torture. The list includes Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, China and Israel.
You lay down with dogs you will come up with fleas.

An excellent video detailing life in Palestine under Israeli occupation. The world cringes at the actions of the Israeli government.

On the subject of Palestine, There are many of us who believe the actual terrorists are dressed in IDF uniforms, and the situation in the Gaza Strip and the rest of the Occupied Territories certainly shows us that all Palestinian adults are targets of the Israeli military, no matter how the mainstream media attempts to sugarcoat it. There is no doubt that the violence is being perpetrated on both sides, but every attempt is made to have it appear one-sided. For every wrong headed and misguided Palestinian who desperately blows himself up in a pizza parlor, killing innocents, 10 or 20 Palestinian innocents are murdered by the IDF via attack helicopters and ammunition while they ostensibly are targetting Hamas "insurgents". This is called collective punishment, and this kind of response is contrary both to the Geneva conventions as well as international law. The neo-conservative rhetoric that terrorism exists in some kind of vacuum is simply false. Terrorism in this case is a direct result of the 60 years of terror perpetrated on the Palestinian people by the Israeli government.

George Galloway deconstructs fidgety stuttering neo-con liar David Frum. Video here.

An online version of Orwell's 1984. Well worth reading as we are practically living in it.

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