Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Disaster Averted! Or Has it Just Begun?

The markets got their warm fuzzies back today after a tumultous beginning, thanks to a rate cut by the Federal Reserve Moneyprinters and the Plunge Protection Team.
But is everything really as hunky dory as we are being led to believe by the headlines trumpeting major a major rebound.......not so fast.

Bernanke Presses the Panic Button....
In private, Bernanke tells horror stories....
Day of reckoning in US glass house.....
Stunning jump in foreclosures.......

Its no longer a matter of if we will have a recession, but when. We are not out of the woods yet, not as long as the Central Bankers can control the flow of money with nothing tangible to back it up. The market now exists as a place where money is moved around from place to place, in the hopes that this frenzy of movement will somehow "create" more wealth.

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