Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Open Letter to Ezra Levant (Zionist) of the Western Standard

You must be quite proud of yourself for appearing on the blogosphere as some kind of crusader for free speech and free expression. Those of us following along know you are nothing more than another hardcore Zionist hate monger whose only goal is to demonize Islam in Western societies, thus furthering your collective goal of Clash of Civilizations. The same disgusting ilk as the fake, so called Christian Michael Coren, who is nothing more than a peddler of war and destruction. Your agendas are crystal clear.
Where was the Western Standard while the B'nai Brith was railroading Ernst Zundel into solitary confinement for thought crimes, as abhorrent as they may be? Where was the Western Standard when David Akehnew was being attacked by the Canadian Jewish Congress for expressing his opinion about Jews and WW2, as abhorrent as they may be?
Nowhere to be found. Complete and utter silence.
In other words, you are advocates for free speech provided that free speech targets your enemies.
I will defend your right to free speech, since there those of us who truly believe in free speech want real free speech for all Canadian citizens, not just free speech against approved Zionist targets like Islam and Ernst Zundel.
Until you come out in support for real free speech for all topics of discussion, including legitimate criticism of Zionism and Israel, your lame attempts to come across as a trailblazer are laughable at best.

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