Tuesday, January 29, 2008

At the Edge of an Economic Abyss

This week has been filled with surprises. It began with bad news for international stock markets. It got rolling with unprecedented news from the Federal Reserve System. It got wild with nutty news from a bureaucrat in New York. Then it settled down to wild swings on the American stock market.

All in all, this week was a sign that the economy is headed toward the falls. Keep close watch on the canoe 100 yards ahead of you. If, without warning, it disappears, start paddling for the shore. Either shore. Fast.

The rest of this very insightful article here..........

Another interesting article here, regarding the French derivatives trader who lost 7 billion dollars.

The collapse of American style capitalism as evidenced by Citibank, here.

More evidence, this time from the housing market, that we teeter at the edge of depression.

The case for a government cut in spending, and a little about the Federal Reserve system here.

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