Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The 935 Lies That Started the War on Iraq

Study: False statement preceded war.

Remember the millions of people marching in the streets in 2003? Remember the military experts and intelligence agents that ALWAYS stated that the attack on Iraq was based on lies and deception? Turns out we were right, and they were liars.
Lying to the people in a position of public trust about such matters is high treason.

The Center for Public Integrity Study presents 935 false statements painstakingly presented here......


Anonymous said...

Not only were "we" right but so was Tarriq Azziz when he repeatedly stated on behalf of the Iraqi government, "We have no weapons of mass destruction" and Ossama Bin Ladin when he informed the American people just after the launch of the war in Iraq that "they were being lied to".

Adam said...

The only people who weren't listening were the Neo-Con traitors inside the American, British and Australian governments.

Anonymous said...


Just like the NIE Iran report.

Just like the Gulf of Tonkin NSA analysis.

Just like your take on the Strait of Hormuz incident.

Leave the gentle, philanthropist, salt of the earth Neo-Cons alone.

You're evil.