Sunday, December 30, 2007

Foxs News Goebbels 2007 Time Capsule Moment

Neo-conservative Zionazi Bill Kristol bashes American patriot Ron Paul.
(Link goes to video.)

Bill Kristol calls Ron Paul an un American crank, but lets look at what this moonbat has stated in the past with a straight face:

"We committed ourselves to reshaping the Middle East, so the region would no longer be a hotbed of terrorism, extremism, anti-Americanism, and weapons of mass destruction. The first two battles of this new era are now over. The battles of Afghanistan and Iraq have been won decisively and honorably. But these are only two battles. We are only at the end of the beginning in the war on terror and terrorist states."-Bill Kristol, April 2003

On Scooter Libby perjury: "Scooter Libby does not deserve to go to jail... this was an investigation that should never have happened. There was no underlying crime."-Bill Kristol, July 2007

He’s [Saddam Hussein] got weapons of mass destruction. At some point he will use them or give them to a terrorist group to use…Look, if we free the people of Iraq we will be respected in the Arab world. France and Germany don’t have the courage to face up to the situation. That’s too bad. Most of Europe is with us. And I think we will be respected around the world for helping the people of Iraq to be liberated.-Bill Kristol, February 2003

John Balls Ghost asks "Who is the real crank"? This lying son of a communist idealogue, whose devotion to Israel and all things Zionist outweigh any devotion he might have for Americans or Iraqis or human beings in general? Why does this insane, lying warmonger still get to appear on TV to bald-faced lie to the world and beat the drums for an attack on Iran? He has about as much political credibility as Marion Barry.

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