Saturday, December 29, 2007

Al Qaida ate my Homework

The explanation and government claims that al-Qaida was responsible failed to appease tens of thousands of Bhutto's supporters who gathered to see her buried in her ancestral home of Garhi Khuda Bakhsh. She was laid to rest alongside her father, another former prime minister who was hanged by an earlier military regime, and her two brothers, who both died in mysterious circumstances.

Al Qaida made me burn dinner.
Al Qaida is why I am fat.
Al Qaida left the toilet seat up again.

Al Qaida: When you need someone to blame, they are always available.

Nevermind presenting any proof, and ignore facts, within hours of any event, Al Qaida, a fictitious organization largely consisting of a database of CIA backed mujahideen, is there to take the blame.
Osama Bin Laden is Emmanuel Goldstein.

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