Sunday, December 30, 2007

SunMedia's Peter Worthington: Zionist Windbag

Peter Worthington, Toronto Sun columnist, never met a Neo-Con ass he didn't want to pucker up and kiss.
Here, Peter gushes about Rudy Julie-Annies bravado and resolve. Of course his analysis does not mention record breaking fundraiser and America-firster Ron Paul.

And the response of this blogger to this nonsense:

You know its time to put Peter Worthington on the shelf when he gushes on about Rudy Giuliani's leadership, courage and resolve in regard to the US presidential primaries.
Perhaps Worthington would like to wow us with the details of Rudy's wonderful leadership skills and his fiery resolve? What new ideas has Rudy presented to the American people? What has Rudy actually presided over other than the worst failure to protect to the American people from terrorism in their history, and the disdain of New York City firefighters and residents for his politicizing of the 911 attacks? Giuliani can barely make a speech without failing to mention how he was present and mugging for the cameras on that horrible day.
The other mainstream candidates, from warmed over, bumbling, barely able to show up ex-Senator and TV actor Fred Thompson to the immaculately coiffured, Janus-faced Council on Foreign Relations insider Mitt Romney, are the kind of politicians who make George W. Bush look inspirational. Granted Mike Huckabee is a fantastic speaker and does well in debates but how are any of his ideas any different than the failed neo-conservative policies of the last seven years? Is Peter Worthington watching the same debates the rest of us are watching?
It's also not surprising to see Worthington being as predictable as ever and failing to mention in his "analysis", the only REAL conservative in the Republican primary, Dr. Ron Paul, who has broken numerous fund raising records through grassroots activism. Of course he is not a "real" candidate to hacks like Worthington because he doesn't represent the military industrial complex and their never ending Wars on Terror, which Worthington for some reason seems to be so fond of.
Please retire Peter Worthington and his out of touch, neo-conservative syncophant commentary before he embarasses your publication any further.

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