Monday, September 22, 2008

Mushroom Cloud Over Wall Street

Excellent article by Mike Whitney that lays bare the treason and stunning crime that is being openly displayed by the banksters and their minions in New York and Washington, DC. Read it and weep for our broken down future and the sorry state of affairs we have callously left for future generations.

My thoughts:

This is the beginning of what we "conspiracy theorists" have been literally and figuratively screaming to all of the television watching mesmerized sheep for years and years, the socialization of corporate banking and the literal robbing of the citizenry to line the pockets of the already filthy rich.

The New World Order. If you live in the United States of America, its right there on your dollar bill.
Corporate welfare good.
Individual welfare bad.
Corporate socialism good.
Citizen organized socialism bad.
Greed is good. Prudency is foolish and "unrealistic". Lying is patriotic. Telling the truth is hateful.
Fiat currency backed up by a printing press and the promises of proven liars is good. Sound money backed up by real precious metals and tangible assets is just a fantasy.
Trillions for the bankers and shim sham men who have run gigantic hedge firms and investment banks into the ground. Nothing for working people who have had a run of bad luck or simply lost their jobs.

Four legs good. Two legs...better.

Welcome to 1984. 2008 Style.
And someday soon, maybe not this year, but some time in the near future, as you are standing in line at barb wired regional Homeland Work Camp waiting for your bowl of reconstituted soya mush after 14 hours of patriotic duty making weapons for the Neverending War on Terror, hopefully you will take some time to reflect on how you stood by and did nothing while you are your progeny were literally....sucked dry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree totally with what you are saying, we are like sheep being led to the slaughter,by the powers that be.