Thursday, August 7, 2008

Internet 2: Say NO to Internet Censorship

Say NO! to corporate and government control of the Internet. Say NO!, to the ever slowly tightening grip that government has on our freedom of speech.
If we all stand together and say ENOUGH. NO MORE.

It is time to take a stand now or lose our freedoms later.


hANOVER fIST said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hANOVER fIST said...

Here's the conversation between the empty heads that comprise our "Mainstream Media", to be henceforth referred to as the "Distraction Media":

"Hey...we're defecating viewers...what the heck is going on?"

"Well, it's that damned internet, where people can actually find out what's happening between our lies and prevarications."

"Jehosaphat! Whut are we gunna doo?"

"I got it! Let's turn dem internets into teevees! We can do this by setting up access to the internet as a subscription service, and make people who wanna be part of the featured service to pay fer it. If they wanna go to any sites outside their basic subscription, they'll pay EXTRA!"

"Wowzers! That sounds great! But how the hell do we sell that to the public?"

"Easy, pal...easy - we'll say IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN."

"Yore a genius, boss! You just saved our jobs!"

"Of course I kiss my ass harder...!"

"Yassah, boss..."

Unless you prefer your nose jammed tightly into someone's else's smelly ass, you'll SAY NO to Internet Censorship.

This is the comment previously deleted...but minus the typos...spellcheck is no good when it comes to grammar.

Ah, well...

Adam Kadman said...

Kudos to you sir! What should each of us do?

God bless you!