Saturday, August 9, 2008

The US/Israeli Proxy War on Russia: Oh the Hypocrisy

And of course the Western media has gone out of its way to pin the blame on Russia. Meanwhile, acting with absolute and utter chutzpah the American administration has demanded that "Russia to cease attacks on Georgia by aircraft and missiles, respect Georgia's territorial integrity, and withdraw its ground combat forces from Georgian soil...".
Because, as we all know, respecting territorial integrity is the hallmark of the Bush Administration and the American government.
And here is McInsane's solution:

“We should immediately call a meeting of the North Atlantic Council to assess Georgia’s security and review measures NATO can take to contribute to stabilizing this very dangerous situation,” McCain said.

Calling on NATO to “stabilize this dangerous situation” is not going down well with Russia, where images of dead Russian peacekeepers and of frightened Ossetian refugees streaming across its borders have put the country in a very vengeful mood. It’s hard to imagine what measures NATO could take under a McCain presidency, but in the mind of a man who thinks US troops should stay in Iraq for 100 years, and who runs around singing “Bomb Bomb Iran!” it’s not hard to guess–and even harder not to be horrified by what it may mean come January 2009, should he win.

McCain’s call to NATO-ize the war is not only frightening, it’s also delusional: both NATO and US forces are already stretched beyond the breaking point, even by Joint Chief of Staff chairman Michael Millen’s own recent assessment.

Stunning and laughable hypocrisy, once one examines what is really happening in Georgia and Ossetia.

Here is a different perspective:

War in Georgia: How the Caucasus Erupted.

Zionist USA and Zionist Israel crap another diaper.

US Attacks Russia through client state Georgia.

War between Russia and Georgia orchestrated through USA.

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