Monday, July 28, 2008

More Innocents Murdered: Canada Needs to Leave Afghanistan

Canadian troops have killed a two-year-old boy and his four-year-old sister by opening fire on a car they feared was about to attack their convoy outside Kandahar city, the Canadian Forces announced Monday.Facing an urgent decision about what to do when a speeding car failed to heed repeated warnings to pull over, a gunner finally pulled the trigger on the cannon of a light armoured vehicle.The 25-millimetre round tore through the little girl's skull and left a gaping wound in her younger brother's chest, witnesses said.The children's mother later frantically paced the hallways at the local hospital, shrieking and cursing foreign soldiers between sobs.One police officer at the Kandahar city hospital said he saw the mother scream: "My innocent children have been killed by foreigners – for no reason!" Rest of the article here.

Can we put aside the notion of "Supporting Our Troops" for a moment here and ask ourselves some questions?

What are we doing in Afghanistan?
Are we welcome in Afghanistan? Does the average Afghani want Canadian soldiers occupying their country?
What is the "War on Terror" , and how does one go about fighting an adjective? Can we have a war on "nightmares"? Can we have a war on "fear"? How does somebody know when this "war" is over? Are we really protecting the interests of regular Afghani people, or are we protecting the interests of multinational corporations, oil pipelines and American hegemony?
What would Canadians do and how would they feel if Afghani troops were occupying their country, killing many of them and their innocent children?

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