Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday February 13th 2008......Passive Resistance.....

Todays videos
More on the Ron Paul inspired March on Washington......

Todays news
Justice Scalia defends torture
Phony Tony B. Liar went to war based on lies, House of Lords told
Ukraine could be set in Russia's sights if it joins NATO
Obama extends his lead over Hillary with 3 'big wins'
IDF ready to further terrorize the Gaza Strip, awaiting the go ahead/distracting world event
Unprincipled Senatorial cowards grant retroactive immunity to Shrub and Dick and the telecommunication companies who spied on Americans

Todays Articles

It's been over six years since 9/11, but U.S. regulatory entities have been slow to follow through with reports about the complex financial transactions that occurred just prior to and following the attacks. Such research could shed light on such questions as who was behind them—and who benefited—and could help lay to rest the rumors that have been festering.

NASCAR's Kenny Wallace supports Dr. Ron Paul for President.

Republican Rep. Ron Paul told the Tribune this morning he will not back Sen. John McCain as his party’s nominee unless the Arizona senator “has a lot of change of heart.”
I can not support anybody with the foreign policy he advocates, you know, perpetual war. That is just so disturbing to me,” Paul said.”I think it’s un-American, un-Constitutional, immoral, and not Republican

Grand Rally and March on Washington DC.
Ron Paul has proposed either Memorial Day Weekend or the Fourth of July Weekend.
Discuss it here.

Israeli lobby declares war on Gandhi's son for telling the truth.

Several hundred Montrealers participated in a noisy demonstration through downtown Montreal today calling for an end to Israel's inhumane and illegal siege of Gaza.

She is 87 years old and refuses to eat again until Conyers begins impeachment proceedings. She told me "I've had a good life. I can't think of any better way to end it.
New Hampshire State Rep will not eat, willing to die for impeachment.
This right here is the true American spirit of freedom and patriotism. Its just sad that it takes an old lady, as brave as she is, to suffer to show the rest of us the way. Betty Hall is a true patriot and a REAL American. We will follow this story, perhaps this is the spark that is needed to wake folks up. God Bless you Betty.

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