Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday February 17th 2008...Reverse Midas Touch

Todays Videos
Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee lets loose on the Bush Administration during the FISA debates. the Security Bear
War Made Easy.....reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception and media hour long but well worth watching.

Todays News
Frighteningly, the incompetent US Government, who have proven themselves to be monumental fuckups with a reverse Midas touch, will shoot down the spy satellite that has become disabled.
Those who know stuff call them on their bullshit.
This is a military manouever.

Israeli Senator Lieberman on waterboarding: "It's not like we are burning people with hot coals"
The UN's top humanitarian affairs official said he was shocked by a "grim and miserable" situation he encountered during a visit to impoverished Gaza
Pakistan election eve violence kills 45 people.

Todays Articles

Iran the "warmonger"?........Iran’s defense expenditure per capita remains among the lowest in the Middle East region despite having the second highest population behind Egypt, according to the new publication of Military Balance.
Israels military expenditure, per capita, is 17 times higher than Iran. Israels percentage of GDP towards military expenditure is twice that of Irans. Which nation is the real threat to peace and stability in the Middle East?

The Internet poses a major security threat to Canadian soldiers fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan, a ranking Canadian military official says.
I believe the REAL reason for floating this idea is that too much information is going to get out once Canadian soldiers really start dying in Afghanistan, for no real reason other than American Empire. This is a pre-emptive strike against free speech by members of our military. It is utter nonsense that pictures home are "logistic threats". The Afghani rebels know where are the NATO operations are taking place.

"I received a rather bizarre and unpleasant note from a person at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. This person is apparently a member of the U.S. military, probably from Army Intelligence.
Fort Huachuca hosts the Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)/9th Army Signal Command and the United States Army Intelligence Center.
This means that a person using U.S. military computers is reading Rumor Mill News and responding to me at U.S. taxpayers' expense. The note that I received contains ignorant and strong anti-Islamic sentiments."
Journalist Christopher Bollyn recieves anti-Islamic hatemail from US Army Intelligence?

On January 7, 2008, Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and the founder/director of the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence at the University of Rochester, wrote two paragraphs on the Washington Post blog, On Faith, titled “Jewish Identity Can’t Depend on Violence.” Within three weeks, Gandhi was forced to resign as Director after a storm of criticism that he was anti-Semitic by pro-Israel groups such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Jewish Committee, and by pressure from the President of the University of Rochester, Joel Seligman. Why did these two paragraphs cause the resignation of Gandhi, a respected and renowned public figure who has worked for years to promote non-violence and inter-faith understanding, study racism and prejudice, and who grew up with the daily abuses of the apartheid regime in South Africa?
Oppose the censorship and intimidation of Arun Gandhi. Link to the petition.
I sent an email and everyone else should do likewise. The intimidation tactics are becoming outlandish.

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