Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday February 10th 2008

A few new and interesting videos in this post.....

We Are Change UK confronts journalist Nick Cohen, a liberal Zionist who recently wrote an article comparing Holocaust denial to 911 Truth. Cohens arrogance comes across clearly in the second half of the video.
Amy Goodman interviews Scott Ritter, former marine and UNSCOM weapons inspector on Iran and the Bush doctrine.
Links to a fantastic, in depth, documentary on the Provisional Irish Republican Army. Somewhat slanted towards the British perspective, but still worth watching and learning from.
Alex Jones the government is using the War on Terror to take away liberties.

USNORTHCOM recently announced on their website that they are ready to implement martial law. "USNORTHCOM's primary mission is Homeland Defense, and the command stands ready to respond to any homeland defense or civil support mission requirement."

How to get out of the United Kingdom off the grid and escaping the spies all around us.....fighting back against Big Brother in Great Britain.

Mob kills politician in India. Mike Rivero at says "One down." I say we are going to need alot of rope.

Mark Dayton, former US Senator, and Walter Mondale, former US Senator and Presidential candidates, support a new investigation into the attacks on 911.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper goes from outspoken, off the cuff and humble to cold, aloof and shallow politico in two years. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The Canadian UN soldier that Israel murdered "accidently" in July 2006 had reported on Israeli war crimes against Lebanon shortly before he was killed.

"Obviously they were unhappy with what they were observing. Maybe that post was in the way as well," she said. "I know my husband was reporting war crimes. And I guess they don't want to deal with that," says his wife Cynthia Hess von Kruedener.
Stephen Harper and the Canadian Armed Forces Board, predictably, side with Israel. How many more incidents of this kind, where Israels crimes are ignored and the victims of their crimes relegated to the back burner by their very own government.
Cynthia's statement here.

Ron Pauls Goodbye. I can't say much right now about Ron Paul because I am very disappointed he is not making a third party run. Almost angry and betrayed. I think I will comment further on Ron Paul's run for President later on when I can see things in a better perspective.
Thank you for telling the truth Dr. Paul, may your name live on forever as a lover of freedom and defender of liberty.

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