Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturday February 9th 2008

Willie Nelson on 911 here. You can't stop the truth. The Emperor wears no clothes.
More evidence of media pre-knowledge, here, FoxNews, like the BBC reports Tower 7 falling before it actually does.

US soldiers are being trained to conduct round ups, confiscate guns, and shoot American citizens, as part of a long standing program for the declaration of martial law, according to a soldier who has just returned from Iraq.

The American government gives up the pretense that it doesn't conduct torture, as Literal Dick Cheney says he approves of waterboarding and other "harsh interrogation tactics". And is unrepentant about it.
Remember, they hate us because we are 'free'.

Former Reagan administration member Paul Craig Roberts with an excellent piece that shows how the American sheeple are being suckered into supporting McCain and more Neo-Con evil.
McCain hopes to get the voter support of dispensationalist "Christian" psychopaths by cozying up with Israel.

As the Ron Paul campaign winds down, Paul announces, somewhat prematurely in my opinion, that there will be no third party run. I love Ron Paul and his message but this is a mistake. I hope Dr. Paul reconsiders and might use such a run to awaken more Americans to the mortal danger their country and their future is headed towards.

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